(My vuvuzela impersonation for the REAL World Cup in South Africa experience.)
The U.S. - Ghana World Cup soccer match last weekend was the first time I'd watched an entire soccer game since... since the last time the U.S. made a splash in the World Cup, which I believe was in the 90's. What a painfully boring sport to watch. It's like one minute of oooh/ohhh/yay! and 92 minutes of "Zzzz." At least take a man or two off each team and maybe it might be entertaining. And issue penalties for flopping/acting like someone shoved a corn cob up your peehole any time someone grazed you. Have some self respect, and butch up, you fuckin' Nancys. And what's this no timeout shit? How the hell do you take a leak or grab something to drink or eat? It's bad enough trying to run and grab a beer or piss between innings/quarters during a baseball or football game without missing much action.
The highlight of the game (/match/whatever they call them) for me was the shot on TV of Bill Clinton sitting next to Mick Jagger in the stadium. Two of the biggest cock stars of modern history spending time together, how great was that? I would've love to have tagged along with the two of them that night.
I'm not a flag-waving, rah-rah American so the outcome didn't have any ill effect on me. Besides, the U.S. merely having mild success in soccer should be considered a success. All of this country's best athletes are playing football or basketball or baseball, not soccer. Anyone with exceptional athletic ability has chosen a different outlet for it, one that can potentially make them a lot of money and extremely famous here. How could anyone ever expect them to be more than simply competitive?
However, since the Americans lost, a few of us at work are rocking soul patches under our lips because of a guy in the office who's rooting for Ghana and rocking a soul patch of his own. It's a change for me; haven't sported one of these forever. Although despite being able to grow a full beard, my patch is blond and thin and a flat-out embarrassment to facial hair.
Not that I really give a shit. I'm not too concerned about making a fool out of myself. Besides, what does it matter when tall and handsome is no longer desirable to women. Seriously, I thought those were two qualities (along with dark) that meant a lot to gals. Maybe in the past, but not any more. Short and homely is all the rage these days. Go fuckin' figure.
Oh well, I'll take tall, handsome and solo over short, homely and paired up every day.
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